Become a Validator

***Ensure your node is fully syncronized before attempting this step otherwise your new validator could be jailed while it is catching up****

***Your full node must have more tokens delegated than the lowest active validator in order to join the active validator set, otherwise it will remain in standby. It is also possible to join the validator network if there open validator spaces compared to the maximum (e.g. 100 active validators when 120 validators are allowed).***

A create-validator transaction is a type of transaction used to create a new validator. In this type of transaction, the validator stakes a certain amount of coins as collateral.

Add an operator key and take note of the mnemonic key

sentinelhub keys add "${KEY_NAME}"

Make the create-validator transaction

CONSENSUS_PUBLIC_KEY=$(sentinelhub tendermint show-validator)
MONIKER="Your Validator Name"
sentinelhub tx staking create-validator \
    --broadcast-mode=block \
    --min-self-delegation=1 \
    --commission-max-change-rate=0.01 \
    --commission-max-rate=0.2 \
    --commission-rate=0.05 \
    --amount=${DELEGATION_AMOUNT} \
    --moniker="${MONIKER}" \
    --pubkey="${CONSENSUS_PUBLIC_KEY}" \
    --from="${KEY_NAME}" \
    --chain-id=bluenet-2-1 \
    --gas=300000 \
    --gas-prices=0.5udvpn \ 
    --website="Your Website Here" \
    --security-contact="Email Address for Security Contact" \
    --details="Your Validator Details" \

The --commission flag explained

The commission rate plays a crucial role in the decision-making process when executing the create-validator transaction.

  • --commission-rate=0.05: the current commission rate that the validator receives from delegators. In this example it is 5%. This value is adjustable in the future.

  • --commission-max-change-rate=0.01: the max commission rate a validator can change. In this example it will be 1% and it is cannot be changed once set. This means that if a Validator wishes to raise its commissions from 5% to 8% in the future, it can achieve this by making adjustments three times, with a 24-hour interval between each transaction.

  • --commission-max-rate=0.2: the max commission rate a validator can set. In this example it will be 20% and it cannot be changed once set